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Ann Arbor: USA Kapitalanlage - Joint Venture Gelegenheit in ANN ARBOR, MI - Angebotspreis 67.000.000 US$
Objekt-Nr.: CB153
US-48104 Ann Arbor
Vermietbare Fläche ca.:
28.356 m²
49.000.000 €
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*The Gallery - JV Opportunity - ANN ARBOR, MI*
414 North Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
County: Washtenaw
Primary Type: Multifamily
No. Units: 95
Building Size: 305,222 SF
Price: $67,000,000
Price/Unit: $705,263.16
*Property Description:*
We are pleased to present a joint venture opportunity located in the heart of dynamic downtown Ann Arbor, MI. Ann Arbor is one of the most stable communities in the Midwest as it is home to The University of Michigan, one of the nations premier institutions with more than 45,000 students and 25,000 employees. This mixed use development consists of first and second floor retail and office suites, apartment units and luxury flats and penthouse condominiums. The Gallery is comprised of two buildings. Building A is an eleven story high rise retail, office and luxury condominium structure with 213 underground parking spaces and 11 ground level spaces. Building A will have a total of 95 condomimums.
Building B is a four story, retail, residential structure with retail on the first floor and 18 residential units (apartments) on floors three through four.
$67,000,000 Class (A) Mixed Use Downtown Development
Located in Downtown Ann Arbor - Home to U of M (40k Students)
Many Condo Units Are Pre-Sold / 100% of the Retail is Pre-Leased
Pride of Ownership Asset with Exceptional Returns that will be GUARANTEED by the Local Developer
*Location Description:*
Ann Arbor, Michigan is located in Washtenaw County. As of the 2000 census the city had a total population of 114,024, not including roughly 40,000 students. The city“s economy, which was once noted for production of agricultural implements, carriages, furniture, pianos, organs, pottery, and flour, is now dominated by education, high tech, and biotechnology. Ann Arbor is also home to the University of Michigan, which was established in 1837 and is world renowned institution of higher learning.
The Gallery itself has frontage on two of the main downtown thoroughfaress at the North end of Downtown Ann Arbor. There is 198 feet of frontage on Main Street on which Building A sits and 66 feet of frontage on North Fourth Street on which Building B sits. The property is surrounded by several successful office and retail developments and the local farmers market.
*•* $67,000,000 Class (A) Mixed Use Downtown Development *•* Joint
Venture Opportunity - $1m - $5m Cash Requirement
*•* Located in Downtown Ann Arbor - Home to U of M (40k Students)
*•* Buyer Has the Choice For Short Term or Long Term Partnership
*•* Total Project Valued in Excess of $67m with Condo Sales of $53m
*•* Short Term Cash on Cash Return in Excess of 15%
414 North Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
County: Washtenaw
Primary Type: Multifamily
No. Units: 95
Building Size: 305,222 SF
Price: $67,000,000
Price/Unit: $705,263.16
*Property Description:*
We are pleased to present a joint venture opportunity located in the heart of dynamic downtown Ann Arbor, MI. Ann Arbor is one of the most stable communities in the Midwest as it is home to The University of Michigan, one of the nations premier institutions with more than 45,000 students and 25,000 employees. This mixed use development consists of first and second floor retail and office suites, apartment units and luxury flats and penthouse condominiums. The Gallery is comprised of two buildings. Building A is an eleven story high rise retail, office and luxury condominium structure with 213 underground parking spaces and 11 ground level spaces. Building A will have a total of 95 condomimums.
Building B is a four story, retail, residential structure with retail on the first floor and 18 residential units (apartments) on floors three through four.
$67,000,000 Class (A) Mixed Use Downtown Development
Located in Downtown Ann Arbor - Home to U of M (40k Students)
Many Condo Units Are Pre-Sold / 100% of the Retail is Pre-Leased
Pride of Ownership Asset with Exceptional Returns that will be GUARANTEED by the Local Developer
*Location Description:*
Ann Arbor, Michigan is located in Washtenaw County. As of the 2000 census the city had a total population of 114,024, not including roughly 40,000 students. The city“s economy, which was once noted for production of agricultural implements, carriages, furniture, pianos, organs, pottery, and flour, is now dominated by education, high tech, and biotechnology. Ann Arbor is also home to the University of Michigan, which was established in 1837 and is world renowned institution of higher learning.
The Gallery itself has frontage on two of the main downtown thoroughfaress at the North end of Downtown Ann Arbor. There is 198 feet of frontage on Main Street on which Building A sits and 66 feet of frontage on North Fourth Street on which Building B sits. The property is surrounded by several successful office and retail developments and the local farmers market.
*•* $67,000,000 Class (A) Mixed Use Downtown Development *•* Joint
Venture Opportunity - $1m - $5m Cash Requirement
*•* Located in Downtown Ann Arbor - Home to U of M (40k Students)
*•* Buyer Has the Choice For Short Term or Long Term Partnership
*•* Total Project Valued in Excess of $67m with Condo Sales of $53m
*•* Short Term Cash on Cash Return in Excess of 15%
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website www.gi-commercial-investment.com denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
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