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Tulsa: USA Kapitalanlage - Tulsa Office Portfolio - Preis: 98 Mio. $
Property ID: CB203
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US-74107 Tulsa
Space to rent ca.:
100.700 sq. m.
76.000.000 €
Type of object:
Office building
Commission Rate:
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Further information
Property description:
*Tulsa Office Portfolio*
4500 South Garnett
Tulsa, OK 74146
County: Tulsa
Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Office
Office Building
Building Size: 1,084,014 SF
Price: $98,000,000
Price/SF: $90.40
*Property Description:*
The portfolio is comprised of twelve suburban properties and includes one story office, one story retail and office-warehouse, mid-rise class “A“, and high rise office buildings. They have a combined occupancy of
77.1 per cent at an average base rental rate of $12.56 per square foot.
Most properties offer after hours card key access, individual HVAC controls and are sprinklered. Five of the buildings are located in the Yale submarket, three are located in the Broken Arrow submarket, two are located in the Memorial submarket, one is located in the Mid Suburban submarket, and one is located in the Lewis submarket. The buildings may be eligible for accelerated depreciation of 22 years or a shorter recovery period of approximately 40% due to their location on former Native American lands.
*Location Description:*
Tulsa is the second-largest city in the state of Oklahoma and is the most densely populated county in Oklahoma. As of 2006, the estimate for Tulsas Combined Statistical Area, which includes the Bartlesville Micropolitan Area, was estimated at 936,864. Tulsa is the 45th largest city in the United States. It is located in northeast Oklahoma, a part of the state often referred to as “Green Country.“ It is considered the cultural and arts center of Oklahoma, boasting two world-renowned art museums, full-time professional opera and ballet companies, and a notable concentration of art deco architecture. In 2005, Tulsa was selected as one of “America“s Most Livable Large Cities.“
*•* Outstanding Office/Flex Portfolio in Tulsa
*•* 11 suburban office buildings, 1 flex
*•* 77.1% Occupied, upside to 11 CAP *•* Mix of classes, submarkets
*•* Well below replacement cost
4500 South Garnett
Tulsa, OK 74146
County: Tulsa
Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Office
Office Building
Building Size: 1,084,014 SF
Price: $98,000,000
Price/SF: $90.40
*Property Description:*
The portfolio is comprised of twelve suburban properties and includes one story office, one story retail and office-warehouse, mid-rise class “A“, and high rise office buildings. They have a combined occupancy of
77.1 per cent at an average base rental rate of $12.56 per square foot.
Most properties offer after hours card key access, individual HVAC controls and are sprinklered. Five of the buildings are located in the Yale submarket, three are located in the Broken Arrow submarket, two are located in the Memorial submarket, one is located in the Mid Suburban submarket, and one is located in the Lewis submarket. The buildings may be eligible for accelerated depreciation of 22 years or a shorter recovery period of approximately 40% due to their location on former Native American lands.
*Location Description:*
Tulsa is the second-largest city in the state of Oklahoma and is the most densely populated county in Oklahoma. As of 2006, the estimate for Tulsas Combined Statistical Area, which includes the Bartlesville Micropolitan Area, was estimated at 936,864. Tulsa is the 45th largest city in the United States. It is located in northeast Oklahoma, a part of the state often referred to as “Green Country.“ It is considered the cultural and arts center of Oklahoma, boasting two world-renowned art museums, full-time professional opera and ballet companies, and a notable concentration of art deco architecture. In 2005, Tulsa was selected as one of “America“s Most Livable Large Cities.“
*•* Outstanding Office/Flex Portfolio in Tulsa
*•* 11 suburban office buildings, 1 flex
*•* 77.1% Occupied, upside to 11 CAP *•* Mix of classes, submarkets
*•* Well below replacement cost
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
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