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Santa Clarita: 965 acre Bauland für einen Business Park in Santa Clarita, CA - Nähe Los Angeles
Property ID: CB133
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Basic information
US-91390 Santa Clarita
Plot size:
3.905.000 sq. m.
115.800.000 €
Type of usage:
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Further information
Property description:
I - 5 and I - 138 Intersection
Santa Clarita, CA 91390
County: Los Angeles
$115,800,000 ($120,000.00/AC) 965.00 AC Retail (land)
Additional Information
*Property Description:*
Seller will carry a note at 6% interest for up to 2 years with a minimum of $50,000,000 down payment.
This property is 20 minutes north of Santa Clarita, in Los Angeles County.
Offering Memorandum Available 965 acres of one of a kind property.
20 minutes north of Valencia. 30 minutes south of Bakersfield. 30 minutes west of Palmdale / Lancaster. 5 minutes from Pyramid Lake.
At the intersection of the I - 5 and I-138. Over 150,000 cars per day drive by this location.
Contiguous to the Centennial project, which will be approximately 21,000 homes. 10 minutes from the Tejon Industrial Park. 5 minutes from the Tejon Resort Development. 20 minutes from the Newhall Ranch City Development by Lennar / Newhall Land und Farm.
Strategically located in a one of a kind location. At the intersection of two major highways and mid-point between Valencia and Bakersfield.
There is no large parcel of land like this, with highway frontage, between Valencia and Bakersfield available. Most of the land on the Grapevine, along I - 5, is owned by the Federal Government or by Tejon Ranch.
*Location Description:*
Almost 5 miles of frontage along the I - 5 and almost 1 1/2 miles of frontage along the 138.
Bounded by the I - 5, I - 138 and Gorman Post Road. 57 acres is on the west side of the I - 5. The balance is on the east side of the I - 5.
Additional Types: Office-Business Park
*•* Unbelievable development potential - Possibly 6,000,000 - 8,000,000
feet of retail, industrial and office potential
*•* Located contiguous to the Centennial Development
*•* Over 50,000 homes to be developed within 30 minutes of
*•* Seller will carry note at 6% interest for up to 2 years
with a minimum down payment of $50,000,000
*•* EIR near completion. Documentation is available for review.
*•* Developmental Plans and layout already done for almost 8,000,000 sf of office, retail and industrial
I - 5 and I - 138 Intersection
Santa Clarita, CA 91390
County: Los Angeles
$115,800,000 ($120,000.00/AC) 965.00 AC Retail (land)
Additional Information
*Property Description:*
Seller will carry a note at 6% interest for up to 2 years with a minimum of $50,000,000 down payment.
This property is 20 minutes north of Santa Clarita, in Los Angeles County.
Offering Memorandum Available 965 acres of one of a kind property.
20 minutes north of Valencia. 30 minutes south of Bakersfield. 30 minutes west of Palmdale / Lancaster. 5 minutes from Pyramid Lake.
At the intersection of the I - 5 and I-138. Over 150,000 cars per day drive by this location.
Contiguous to the Centennial project, which will be approximately 21,000 homes. 10 minutes from the Tejon Industrial Park. 5 minutes from the Tejon Resort Development. 20 minutes from the Newhall Ranch City Development by Lennar / Newhall Land und Farm.
Strategically located in a one of a kind location. At the intersection of two major highways and mid-point between Valencia and Bakersfield.
There is no large parcel of land like this, with highway frontage, between Valencia and Bakersfield available. Most of the land on the Grapevine, along I - 5, is owned by the Federal Government or by Tejon Ranch.
*Location Description:*
Almost 5 miles of frontage along the I - 5 and almost 1 1/2 miles of frontage along the 138.
Bounded by the I - 5, I - 138 and Gorman Post Road. 57 acres is on the west side of the I - 5. The balance is on the east side of the I - 5.
Additional Types: Office-Business Park
*•* Unbelievable development potential - Possibly 6,000,000 - 8,000,000
feet of retail, industrial and office potential
*•* Located contiguous to the Centennial Development
*•* Over 50,000 homes to be developed within 30 minutes of
*•* Seller will carry note at 6% interest for up to 2 years
with a minimum down payment of $50,000,000
*•* EIR near completion. Documentation is available for review.
*•* Developmental Plans and layout already done for almost 8,000,000 sf of office, retail and industrial
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
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