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Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Hotel und Motel
Full Service
No. Rooms: 135
Building Size: 0 SQM
1 SF
Price: 131,166,000 MXN
$12,000,000 USD
• 5 Star Hotel with 135 suites, All with Ocean View, Satellite TV, Living Room
• Located on Tongulanda Bay
• Conferene Center und Convention Facilities• 3 Restaurants, 4 Bars, Tennis Court, Adjacent Tropical Golf Course und Marina
• Financial Information made available to qualified buyers
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Huatulco: 5 Star Hotel Pacific Coast resort hotel located on Tongalunda Bay
Property ID: MEX14993913
Quick Contact
Basic information
MX-111111 Huatulco
Space to rent ca.:
1 sq. m.
9.500.000 €
Type of object:
Commission Rate:
3% + 19% MWST
Further information
Further information
Property description:
Property Description:
5 Star, one hundred thirty five suite, Pacific Coast resort hotel located on Tongalunda Bay in the pueblo of Huatulco, Mexico. The hotel is composed of 10 buildings tucked into the side of mountains sloping directly down to the beach area on Tongalunda Bay. Crown Pacific is a modern hotel featuring three restaurants, four bars (including a beach bar), two swimming pools, tennis court, convention and conference facilities. It is adjacent to a tropical golf course on the bay and a nearby marina. Each suite has an ocean view. mini bar, satellite color TV, und personal property safe. 32 suites have jacuzzis. For more detailed information and graphics please view this property online at through the Mexico Commercial und Development.
Location Description:
Huatulco is located southeast of Acapulco on the Pacific Coast at the very southern tip of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec ,in the vicinity of Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido. Tongalunda Bay is one of seven bays in the area and one of the few to be developed. Huatulco is the curent “undiscovered“ resort which is the worst kept secret among the intenatinal jet st. Fonatur (the Mexican government tourist development agency) which the driving force behind the development of Acapulco, Los Cabos, Cancun, San Miguel de Allende, etc. is the driving force behind the development of Hustulco. For more detailed information and graphics please view this property online at through the Mexico Commercial und Development
5 Star, one hundred thirty five suite, Pacific Coast resort hotel located on Tongalunda Bay in the pueblo of Huatulco, Mexico. The hotel is composed of 10 buildings tucked into the side of mountains sloping directly down to the beach area on Tongalunda Bay. Crown Pacific is a modern hotel featuring three restaurants, four bars (including a beach bar), two swimming pools, tennis court, convention and conference facilities. It is adjacent to a tropical golf course on the bay and a nearby marina. Each suite has an ocean view. mini bar, satellite color TV, und personal property safe. 32 suites have jacuzzis. For more detailed information and graphics please view this property online at through the Mexico Commercial und Development.
Location Description:
Huatulco is located southeast of Acapulco on the Pacific Coast at the very southern tip of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec ,in the vicinity of Puerto Angel and Puerto Escondido. Tongalunda Bay is one of seven bays in the area and one of the few to be developed. Huatulco is the curent “undiscovered“ resort which is the worst kept secret among the intenatinal jet st. Fonatur (the Mexican government tourist development agency) which the driving force behind the development of Acapulco, Los Cabos, Cancun, San Miguel de Allende, etc. is the driving force behind the development of Hustulco. For more detailed information and graphics please view this property online at through the Mexico Commercial und Development
Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Hotel und Motel
Full Service
No. Rooms: 135
Building Size: 0 SQM
1 SF
Price: 131,166,000 MXN
$12,000,000 USD
• 5 Star Hotel with 135 suites, All with Ocean View, Satellite TV, Living Room
• Located on Tongulanda Bay
• Conferene Center und Convention Facilities• 3 Restaurants, 4 Bars, Tennis Court, Adjacent Tropical Golf Course und Marina
• Financial Information made available to qualified buyers
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
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