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Santa Monica: US Kapitalanlage mit 5,5% Rendite - Industrial Building in Santa Monica CA - Angebotspreis 35.000.000 US$
Objekt-Nr.: CB131
US-90404 Santa Monica
Vermietbare Fläche ca.:
5.574 m²
35.000.000 $
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Weitere Informationen
* 2041-2115 Colorado Ave.*
Santa Monica, CA 90404
County: Los Angeles
Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Industrial
Flex Space
Building Size: 60,000 SF
Lot Size: 90,000 SF
Occupancy: 100.00%
Price: $35,000,000
Price/SF: $583.33
Cap Rate: 5.50%
*Property Description:*
The property is located in the heart of the Santa Monica media district, see location description. 90,000 sf ( 300“ X 300“ ) of Santa Monica LMSD zoned land improved with four industrial buildings totaling approx.
60,000 sf. The buildings have high bow truss, wide span ceilings, industrial windows all around, are improved as creative space and leased to mutiple tenants. Tenants, except for a 16,000 sf month to month, are all media and creative companies and include credit tenants. Due to the convergence of media/internet co“s at this location the leasing market is extremly strong. There are multiple offers for any space that becomes available. Leases are NNN or modified gross with expense increase pass throughs. Very low management. UPSIDE: 1. release the low rent M/M und other spaces to achieve the listed CAP/NOI.
2. The LMSD zoning provides for building 135,000 sf of live/work space (180 lofts). Please verify with the City of Santa Monica.
*Location Description:*
The property is in the heart of Santa Monica media district: The HQ of Vivendi Universal and Sony BMG, the two largest music companies in the world, are across the street. Half a block from Yahoo Center, one block from MTV, Playboy Studio is behind the properrty.
FWY 10 ramps are two blocks away. Close to the Ocean.
Financial Summary Actual
Net Operating Income: $1,925,000
Major Tenant Information
Tenancy Type: Multiple
Debt und Equity Information
No Debt und Equity Information Provided
Santa Monica, CA 90404
County: Los Angeles
Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Industrial
Flex Space
Building Size: 60,000 SF
Lot Size: 90,000 SF
Occupancy: 100.00%
Price: $35,000,000
Price/SF: $583.33
Cap Rate: 5.50%
*Property Description:*
The property is located in the heart of the Santa Monica media district, see location description. 90,000 sf ( 300“ X 300“ ) of Santa Monica LMSD zoned land improved with four industrial buildings totaling approx.
60,000 sf. The buildings have high bow truss, wide span ceilings, industrial windows all around, are improved as creative space and leased to mutiple tenants. Tenants, except for a 16,000 sf month to month, are all media and creative companies and include credit tenants. Due to the convergence of media/internet co“s at this location the leasing market is extremly strong. There are multiple offers for any space that becomes available. Leases are NNN or modified gross with expense increase pass throughs. Very low management. UPSIDE: 1. release the low rent M/M und other spaces to achieve the listed CAP/NOI.
2. The LMSD zoning provides for building 135,000 sf of live/work space (180 lofts). Please verify with the City of Santa Monica.
*Location Description:*
The property is in the heart of Santa Monica media district: The HQ of Vivendi Universal and Sony BMG, the two largest music companies in the world, are across the street. Half a block from Yahoo Center, one block from MTV, Playboy Studio is behind the properrty.
FWY 10 ramps are two blocks away. Close to the Ocean.
Financial Summary Actual
Net Operating Income: $1,925,000
Major Tenant Information
Tenancy Type: Multiple
Debt und Equity Information
No Debt und Equity Information Provided
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
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