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Bariloche: Hosteria EL Retorno for sale
Objekt-Nr.: IDA46
AR-ar00014 Bariloche
Vermietbare Fläche ca.:
1.900 m²
2.300.000 €
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3% + 19% MWST
HOSTERIA EL RETORNO is built on a 24.608,64 square meter lot, on the
north end of Lake Gutiérrez, Villa Los Coihues, San Carlos de
Bariloche. It has a beach of approximately 200 meters.
The built areas are surrounded by more than 23.000 square meters of
Indigenous old trees and an excellent park with wharf and sports port.
The built surface is 1.900 square meters, intended for reception and administration areas, rooms, restaurant and tea lounge, piano bar, convention center and service areas (kitchen, laundry, storage, etc.)
HOSTERIA EL RETORNO has 25 rooms with private bathroom and 5 apartments with two bedrooms, distribution hall and one private bathroom, with the following distribution:
Main Building
• 11 rooms with private bathroom
• 1 suite (hall and two bedrooms with one bathroom each one)
Adjacent building
• 12 rooms with private bathroom
• 5 apartments with two bedrooms and one private bathroom
Each one of the Buildings (Central, Adjacent and Apartments) has gas boiler and fast recovery gas tank water heater, to ensure hot water and heating at all times in all the rooms. Water supply is guaranteed in quantity and quality. A pumping system takes water from the lake and stores it in an underground 15000 liter tank, provided with an automatic chlorinator. From there, two pumping systems distribute the drinking water to all the property. The Inn has a power generation system, with automatic connection, and a 47KW capacity. This enables the normal functioning of all electrical equipment and devices, in case of a power cut.
• Reception and Administration
• Lounges with fireplace
• Winter garden
• Piano Bar
• Restaurant and Tea Lounge
• Convention Center (100 people)
• Park – Solarium
• Wharf and sports port
They have Color TV (Direct TV), video, telephone system (DDN/DDI), digital security box and central heating system. The reception and lounges have fireplaces with views to Lake Gutierrez crystal waters; Piano bar with fireplace; Restaurant and Tea Lounge for 120 people, with a cozy mountain atmosphere, to enjoy our own exquisite gastronomy and pastries.
The lot where HOSTERIA EL RETORNO is built has approximately 200 meters of beach on the north end of Lake Gutierrez. The park is protected, where it is next to the beach, by a 150 linear meter sheet piling. In 1998 a new wharf was built and in the year 2000 a port for sport boats was added.
The property was totally renovated in the year 1996. All sanitary, electricity, telephone, television facilities, etc. As well as all the equipment and decoration are from the end of the year 1996; therefore, maintenance and functioning are in top shape.
north end of Lake Gutiérrez, Villa Los Coihues, San Carlos de
Bariloche. It has a beach of approximately 200 meters.
The built areas are surrounded by more than 23.000 square meters of
Indigenous old trees and an excellent park with wharf and sports port.
The built surface is 1.900 square meters, intended for reception and administration areas, rooms, restaurant and tea lounge, piano bar, convention center and service areas (kitchen, laundry, storage, etc.)
HOSTERIA EL RETORNO has 25 rooms with private bathroom and 5 apartments with two bedrooms, distribution hall and one private bathroom, with the following distribution:
Main Building
• 11 rooms with private bathroom
• 1 suite (hall and two bedrooms with one bathroom each one)
Adjacent building
• 12 rooms with private bathroom
• 5 apartments with two bedrooms and one private bathroom
Each one of the Buildings (Central, Adjacent and Apartments) has gas boiler and fast recovery gas tank water heater, to ensure hot water and heating at all times in all the rooms. Water supply is guaranteed in quantity and quality. A pumping system takes water from the lake and stores it in an underground 15000 liter tank, provided with an automatic chlorinator. From there, two pumping systems distribute the drinking water to all the property. The Inn has a power generation system, with automatic connection, and a 47KW capacity. This enables the normal functioning of all electrical equipment and devices, in case of a power cut.
• Reception and Administration
• Lounges with fireplace
• Winter garden
• Piano Bar
• Restaurant and Tea Lounge
• Convention Center (100 people)
• Park – Solarium
• Wharf and sports port
They have Color TV (Direct TV), video, telephone system (DDN/DDI), digital security box and central heating system. The reception and lounges have fireplaces with views to Lake Gutierrez crystal waters; Piano bar with fireplace; Restaurant and Tea Lounge for 120 people, with a cozy mountain atmosphere, to enjoy our own exquisite gastronomy and pastries.
The lot where HOSTERIA EL RETORNO is built has approximately 200 meters of beach on the north end of Lake Gutierrez. The park is protected, where it is next to the beach, by a 150 linear meter sheet piling. In 1998 a new wharf was built and in the year 2000 a port for sport boats was added.
The property was totally renovated in the year 1996. All sanitary, electricity, telephone, television facilities, etc. As well as all the equipment and decoration are from the end of the year 1996; therefore, maintenance and functioning are in top shape.
Hosteria EL Retorno
- town.:Bariloche /Neuquen
- region: Patagonia
- sell prices: US $ 3,400,000
- living spaces in sqm: 1.900 square meters
- type of the house: Lodge Inn
- number of rooms:40
- town.:Bariloche /Neuquen
- region: Patagonia
- sell prices: US $ 3,400,000
- living spaces in sqm: 1.900 square meters
- type of the house: Lodge Inn
- number of rooms:40
Kilometres from the City of San Carlos de Bariloche, Province of Rio Negro.
Kilometres from the City of San Carlos de Bariloche, Province of Rio Negro.
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website www.gi-commercial-investment.com denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
Wenn Sie zusätzliche Information zu unseren Immobilien möchten, dann schicken Sie uns Bitte eine schriftliche Anfrage, Sie können dazu unser Kontaktformular auf unserer Website www.gi-real-estate.com verwenden. Bitte beachten Sie das Ihre Angaben zu Ihrer Wohnanschrift vollständig und die Telefonnummer registriert sein sollte. Wir sehen uns verpflichtet die Privatsphäre der Eigentümer unserer Immobilien schützen, ohne eine Gegenprüfung Ihrer Kontaktdaten geben wir keine weitere Info an Sie weiter. Wir verschicken weder Prospekte noch Kataloge oder Ähnliches an Neugierige, wir geben auch keine Infos oder Adressen der Immobilien am Telefon weiter an uns unbekannte Personen.
Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website www.gi-commercial-investment.com denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
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